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The Original Lovable Little Fuzzball
Here's the straight stuff.

Wednesday, June 30, 2004

I like this guy

I really do. He's got some great stuff on his blog. Like this entry about importing French leeches. I'm not too sure what leeches are, but if the French are sending them over here they must be pretty crappy.

[Leeches are freshwater, blood sucking, parasitical worms that some people think have beneficial medical uses--AHM]

[Bloodsucking parasites? Like fleas!! Shit! I knew the French hated us, but isn't that going a bit too far?--H]

Okay--forget leeches. He also had a great post about the new anti-barbequing building code in Washington state. Anti-barbequing? Geeze am I glad AHM decided not to move to Washington! A summer with no rib bones is like a day without sunshine. Oh yeah--Washington has bunches of those, so I guess they might not notice.

Anyway, like I said before, I like this guy--except for one little problem. His mascot. He's got a fe-lying for a mascot.

"Allan over at the Barking MoonBat Early Warning System suggests that I need a mascot and that Beamer my cat would make a great mascot. I agree with him, and asked Beamer if he would consider it. Of course he said yes,…"

Well, of course he would. Those fe-lyings are just worming their way into all parts of the blogsphere. [Like leeches, right?--AHM] Arrggghhhh! I'll bet that Glenn Reynolds person has a cat too. I mean there must be some reason people call him the "puppy blender."

Still--Mr. Minority has too many good posts to ignore. As long as Beamer keeps his distance…